Hospice and Palliative Care
You may have heard of hospice or palliative care in human medicine but did you know that we also offer hospice and palliative care for your pets? Our pets are an important part of our families and as our pets live longer, they also may develop conditions that require greater care.
Animal Hospice Care
Animal hospice helps you address the physical, emotional, and social needs of your pet with a progressive or life-limiting illness or disability. Hospice is provided from the time of diagnosis of a terminal illness to the pet’s passing.
Palliative Pet Care
Palliative care is a treatment that supports or improves your pet’s quality of life by relieving pain or suffering. Palliative care provides care for your pet at any stage of a serious illness and can be provided along with curative treatment. Palliative care is focused on relief from symptoms, pain, and stress of illness.
Examples of pets that may qualify for palliative or hospice care include:
· deciding not to pursue curative treatment for a disease like cancer
· a diagnosis of an incurable or irreversible condition
· symptoms of chronic illness that interfere with the routine of your pet
· when curative treatment has failed
· a pet that requires long-term intensive care
· a pet with a progressive illness or trauma with associated health complications.
Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Veterinarian
Dr. Petifurd is now a certified Hospice and Palliative care veterinarian. She aims to improve the lives of her senior patients with chronic, progressive, or terminal diseases, as well as their families. Appointments can be made in clinic or at your home. Please call our office for more details about hospice and palliative care or to make an appointment for this new service.